About me - Stella Hidden
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Me - going to work!

My Statement of Aims
My paintings are a journey of discovery from the very first mark until the final brushstroke. As the idea forms the painting develops and evolves over many months, incorporating the vibration and resonance of 'sound' and colour. Both the large and small paintings are on birch board using acrylic paint.

My main aim is to explore the use of layered colour and richness of paint to create rhythmic images, both exuberant and contemplative, within an atmosphere of movement and light; which are full of vitality and mood, some exuberant, others quiet and contemplative. The focus on colour incorporates reference to musical pitch, instrumentation and rhythm which assists me to produce paintings of a rich 'sound' that resonates and continues to vibrate.

The process of creating a painting embraces not only technique, but also layers of thinking, feeling and the contemplation of the work in progress. Inspiration and spontaneity is always necessary to complete a work that satisfies me.

Each moment as we experience life through our varied senses, I hear the numerous sounds and note the treble, the bass, the forte, the piano, and the silence. I feel the rhythm, the pulse, the vibrations and the stillness. When I look at the countryside, an object or a figure, I see a harmony of colours, shapes, tones, and shadows. In my painting I absorb all these moments, culminating in a painting in an abstract form.

My paintings are images without objects requiring a response entirely dependent on the language of colour, rhythm and form.

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All images are copyright © Stella Hidden